
Get ready to make the changes you've been wanting to do for years, whether or not you were aware of it. The time is right now.


Today's planetary movements awaken the dreamer within you. You can dream of what you want and with persistence and determination, you will likely achieve it.


You don't need to see obstacles as an excuse to give up or back down. It's crucial to be aware of when you face heavy pressures and how you can help yourself.


The quality of your sleep is the best indicator of a healthy diet. The better-tuned your body is, the better quality of sleep you will have.


Allowing yourself to be who you are and not conforming with others may cause problems. You must let go of the notions that are 'right', and sometimes what you consider right changes.


There's a planet configuration right now that could force you to reevaluate your entire approach to health.


You may feel the most sexual person on the planets, which can be a sensation that you have from time to time. Your emotions will guide you to create a nurturing environment for yourself.


Today's planet alignment invites duality to be seen. It's all about your inner and outer lives. Are you able to let go through running or yoga?


If you already feel flirty, it's likely that you will impress others today with your newfound skills. Although you may not intend to flirt with others, it is possible that they will.


Home, family, and caring. This astrologer cannot tell you how important this energy is in your life, but it can have a significant impact on your quality of life by prioritizing your home.


Don't allow progress to get in your way of feeling! You will be asking yourself 'What's the point of all this?' This week will likely leave you wondering 'what's it all for?'


The alignment of planets today can make you more confident, but also a bit more high-spirited. It is difficult to organize emotions that are constantly changing.