
Others will flock to you today for your advice. People who get caught up in work life's chaos will find comfort in your trustworthy, practical, and grounded nature.


Don't depend on your coworkers to pick up any pieces you might have missed over the last few days. Don't assume that others will do what you're doing.


A new cycle of seven years has begun. Your gifts for intuition and sensitivity are now more 'in' than 'out'.


Let your imagination run wild. You can find a creative way to solve the current problems. The same old approaches will not produce new results.


Your mind will run in circles. It will become almost impossible for you to make any kind of decision because there will be so much information.


You are reluctant to reveal work-related information. You are concerned about the negative consequences this could have on the workplace's health and the collective success.


It is important to not always have the final word. In the coming weeks, you may find yourself at odds with people who have completely different ideas.


Undercurrents of frustration will permeate your day. There is little you can do about it. This tension is mostly caused by the fact that other people are not willing to accept you as you are.


A major cosmic shift is taking place today and will continue for the next three weeks. This is a good opportunity to pay attention to your family and home.


Be open to hearing other opinions and being flexible in your views, this will open up more opportunities for you in every area of your career.


A surge of luck and success in your career may be closer than you think. Today's key is to focus on the details of your plan.


Your mind seems to be replaying the events of the day before and it's hard for you to focus on other people's thoughts. These thoughts can be distracting and overwhelming.