
Your thought process is clear and logical, which is helping you sort through difficult problems that you've been struggling with. You should not let your ego get in the way of your true path.


Someone presents you with hard facts. Instead of addressing them with a rational approach, you are likely to turn the situation into drama and exaggerate its severity.


Your mind can quickly sort out problems. You see things the way they are and make rational choices. The problem is, someone may be trying to show off or upstage you.


Loyalty is key to your success, especially in today's world. You can show loyalty to your work by doing more than what's expected.


Pressure is building from all directions, and you're caught in between. Blaming others is not a healthy coping mechanism.


There's a huge feeling today. Any idea or concept you may have will be amplified. It's okay to have these feelings, but it's important that you check in with other people before proceeding.


You won't be happy with the results of your work until you can see them. You will only feel fulfilled when you are able to touch, feel, and actually see your work.


Don't assume anything. Someone who believes they can make things more complicated than the truth may try to convince you of false facts.


Sometimes it can feel like you are a spider hanging from a thread, and your only thought is that you are merely a thin, fragile strand. But you don't have to continue in this way.


People may be turned off if you have too many know-it-all attitudes, which can make it difficult for you to gain the support you need to progress to the next phase of the game.


Stand up to bullies. If push comes to shove, make sure you have all the facts and understand the situation clearly. People on either side of the argument may just be spouting hot air.


Avoid making assumptions and jumping to conclusions. Take your time to gather and analyze facts before making any decisions. Rushing can lead to mistakes that will need to be fixed later on.