
It is important to give yourself credit if you truly want to improve your health. Old patterns are hard to break! Real change is a daily effort and takes time.


t is time to think about your health goals. If you have too many thoughts, there is no way for you to reach your goal.


Getting enough sleep is an important part of caring for your body. It is important to calm down your mind and relax on busy days. Relaxing mentally and physically is possible by taking a hot tub with lavender drops.


You might find it difficult to give yourself the benefit-of-the doubt. You have a natural tendency to judge others.


Today's planet aspect will guide your dreams. It might be worthwhile to contact an Aquarian acquaintance or friend.


Today's planet energy supports you with exploratory thinking. Your critical thinking ability enhances your ability to remember childhood experiences and to analyze body problems.


he planetary alignment of today illuminates the way that was not followed, so even someone who is steadfast can feel inspired to change and find a better path


Today's planet configuration highlights your emotions. This aspect will allow you to better see your own mind if you have set the right stage.


You will find someone to workout with, even via video chat, if you are willing to admit to doubts about your abilities to keep going.


The next few days' planetary alignments will help you identify the areas of your life and the health habits that require attention.


Your health habits are an excellent way to connect with your lost parts. You might recall the meticulous little girl who organized her socks drawer each Saturday.


The fast-paced and energetic energy of today is just right for you. You are more productive than ever - buckle up and take on whatever life throws at you.