
You may find people who are sympathetic to your situation among friends or family. But sometimes, it's you that needs to listen.


As you pay more attention to your body, you will find that your emotions and appetite become less of a problem. Self-knowledge leads to self-control.


Today is all about reform. Your soul knows what can be done to improve it. It is time to put more emphasis on your health and well-being.


You may find yourself eating fish more frequently than meat. Fish oil can greatly improve the health of your nails and hair, and it tends to cause fewer digestive problems than red meat.


You may feel like the most sensual person on the planet, which can be a great feeling. Your emotions will guide you to create a nurturing environment for yourself.


Today, many positive things are beginning to support you in all your endeavors. You may feel less alone. 


It is much easier to manage daily obstacles when you take ownership of your health practice. Too often, we allow obstacles to affect our health practices.


Make the most of this moment by being open with your friends. Although communication may still be a challenge, remember to think before speaking.


This is the time to trust your gut instincts. If you listen to that still, little voice inside you, it can go a long way in your quest for peace.


Today may not be the best day. You may find too much chaotic energy. To organize your energy, focus on simple tasks such as sending thank-you notes or organizing photos from your vacation.


Maintaining balance can be difficult when you are easily distracted. It's important to make conscious choices about the food you eat and the exercise you do.


Just as everyday life seems to be moving along smoothly, suddenly a problem arises! The frustration may stem from internal issues, making it difficult to communicate.