
Others may manage to surprise you today. There are many opportunities to impress someone. They may also be determined and have their sights set on you.


You may have been too preoccupied with multiple projects and plans, making it difficult for you and your partner to spend time together.


Conversations may be a bit heavy today. Keep them lighthearted and fun. To understand where you stand, both you and your partner should talk about a specific issue.


Some may say that you tend to fantasize frequently, but you likely disagree with this characterization and instead believe that you hold a belief in magic.


Make sure to wear rose-tinted glasses today. You will be using them throughout the day. You will be totally adorable with your closest friend no matter what they do. 


Given the current atmosphere, you are likely to be strongly attracted to one person. Their passion for life and intense pursuit of their goals will draw you to them.


The celestial orientation of the day may evoke a sense of "double trouble." Your loved one may be conflicted in their thoughts and feelings.


Hosting a party at your home and inviting a few of your closest friends is a good idea. You may be able to get closer to someone you've known in the past.


This may seem like a normal evening with just a fish stick dinner and some cocoa before bed, but you couldn't have been more wrong.


The planetary alignment suggests that you might be able, if your sense of humor is restored, to bring new life to your hibernating relationship.


The current planetary arrangement suggests that you are in an emotionally stable enough place to commit to someone.


The relationship at play is lighthearted, although it may just be a nice interlude following a period of intense passion.