
You will feel a wonderful inner harmony that ripples out to others, making it easy to have conversations with other people and negotiate.


Today is a day for relaxation. Instead of striving to be a leader, accept your role as a follower. Instead of trying to devise a plan that will prevent you from moving forward, just go with the flow.


Others may try to give you their opinion about your situation, but they should not be ignored. You are the only one who can decide what's best for you.


If everything is going well, it's best to let it be. Attempting to interrupt the flow of things when they are working well together is not advisable.


Today marks the start of a 4-week-long cycle that will make your job feel more challenging. This period will be difficult, but you will learn to adapt your actions to overcome obstacles.


Someone at work, possibly your boss, may be having a major change of heart about a topic that affects you directly.


Aggression towards other employees in the workplace can be destructive if not handled carefully.


Be more critical of your ideas. It can be difficult to be objective when working in isolation, but it is important to be able to distinguish between real and imaginary ideas.


You may feel angry and aggressive from others and yourself today. Your high expectations for yourself and your work can make you your worst enemy.


Your emotions are strong, and you feel confident in your ability to overcome any challenges that may come. This is possible because of strong communication.


It is important to question these sources and not fall for someone's shortsighted and selfish ideas just because they are passionate.


Do something kind for others, such as offering a service for free to someone in need. You will reap big rewards in the future, as you will receive what you give.