
Your thinking is clear and solid, but someone may be planting seeds of doubt in your mind. This person has a very inflated opinion of themselves and is clearly against your current way of thinking.


Confusion is likely to occur around noon and set you back, if not ready. Start the day with a plan and use the afternoon for execution. Most likely, plans made mid-day are doomed.


Your intuition will keep you on track for a great new opportunity. You might encounter a few small hurdles today, but that is not a reason to give up. Keep your eyes open and keep going.


Don't let bullies who think they are better than you because they have been doing the same job for a longer period of time intimidate you.


You may feel frustrated that a certain door is closing in front of you, but it's not your fault. These messages are from the universe directing you in the right direction.


Instead of listening to someone telling you what is best for you, work with your instincts and don't let them dictate.


This is the best time of year to relocate or switch jobs. A small shift can make a big difference in your life. You can change your outlook on going to work by moving to another town or another office.


Friction may arise from various sources, and it may escalate as time goes on. While this may affect others, try not to take it personally.


If you are under stress or pressure, it is likely that your ability to think clearly will be affected. Don't let others get you down. Instead of allowing others to have such an impact on you, protect yourself.


As the days go by, you will sense a steady and slow buildup of tension. You might feel resentful towards someone for something you have done, like earning a promotion.


Deep down, you know what you believe. However, it can be challenging to convince others, especially those in positions of power who tend to prefer agreement over disagreement.


You have the ability to know things that no one else does, and you love this gift. However, you need to be careful not to use gossip and rumors to hurt others.