
Wishing things could be different is not a good idea. You can't stop until you reach your breaking point. This is how you work most of the day.


Personal growth can take many forms. Sometimes it is the hardest thing to do. You will find things that you can immediately think about, whether it is brushing your teeth twice as often or quitting alcohol.


You need to pay more attention to your bones. What is the state of your bones? You have many options to help your bones, including calcium.


A good view can sometimes help you climb higher. The planetary energies of today can help you see half the picture or find beauty in your everyday surroundings.


The planet's current position prompts us to exercise and center our minds through movement. Running, yoga, stretching, and yoga all require concentration.


Today's planetary alignment allows you to be yourself and not let your emotions get in the way of other people. Expanding your horizons is what it means to you.


Are you familiar with the concept that it may be easy to understand the importance of exercising quickly, but also quickly tire of it? If you regularly exercise and eat well, the benefits will be felt almost instantly.


There are many temptations out there, but it's worth taking a minute to reflect on the body's response to excess indulgence. It's time for you to 'get on track' and establish a regular, healthy routine.


The planetary alignment encourages you to move forward with plans that are focused on you. This could mean your work or plans to travel, depending on how independent you are, but it certainly includes your diet and exercise routine.


If you felt able to be calm and focused yesterday, you may feel an improvement today. Today, you may feel more capable of understanding your emotions, but also more uncertain.


You might notice a fundamental change in the way you eat today. This planetary alignment requires us to examine our behaviors and why we choose certain foods.


You start to notice more things about yourself. This could be because you spend more time looking in the mirror, analyzing your skin, and weighing your progress.