
Solutions will be found in your heart, not your head. With compassion and understanding, you can overcome any problem or conflicting personality.


Focus your energy on the things that are easy for you. Do not try to overcome resistance. You have a path that is clear and straightforward. Instead of trying to do things your way, embrace this path.


To advance your career you must take risks and believe in yourself. You should have a strong foundation to build on, but you shouldn't be afraid of moving into unknown territory.


Making friends at work can be challenging. You may initially be taken aback by their assertiveness or aggressiveness.


Tensions between you and some coworkers may lessen today due to your increased level of compassion.


You are now more secure and in a better position than ever before, and your actions will be supported by those around you.


Not all opportunities that you seek will be available to you through logical means. They may come from unexpected places.


A key driver for your success is a female figure. With her help, you will be able to start projects that have been stalled or ignored. You can take the suggestions she offers and incorporate them into your work.


People who are very inflexible and stubborn may reach out to you seeking creative guidance, but you can work together.


You will likely start your day feeling like a racehorse that has just come out of the starting gate.


You will feel a profound psychic connection today with someone you love. Intuitively, you will know exactly what the other person is feeling and thinking.


When faced with difficult issues that seem impossible to solve, do not resist the opportunity. The solution will eventually come. Do not be stubborn or defiant.