
Although you are often referred to as a slow mover, you actually have lots of energy and are very recommended for activities like yoga or Pilates.


You might have all the right intentions, but you don't always follow through with your workouts. You can ease the pressure by joining a gym or virtual group who exercise regularly.


Try to view two sides of each issue. You may find yourself drawn to the mirror by cosmic energy, which can cause you to become too critical and harsh.


You must have plenty of space to express your desire to find balance in your daily life. Get rid of all the junk in your life. Clear out your bathroom cabinets, closets and kitchen cupboards.


This is the time to trust your gut instincts. If you listen to that still, little voice inside you can go a long ways in your quest for peace.


You might have to suspend your shine for a while, but that's okay! People may think you want to shine in the limelight as much.


You might feel an exuberance and rush under this aspect. The best way to do that is physical! This is the perfect time to add to your exercise routine if you're used to it.


Keep in mind that there are many big planets dancing out there and you're just a tiny speck of celestial dust.


You are a master at delaying gratification. Your impatience is a hallmark of your personality. You are encouraged by the planetary energy to be strong and create balance in your world.


Although it is rare to feel like you're walking on eggs shells all the time, you might sense some of this these days. You might feel it because of your radiating energy.


Staying on track is important. You will notice a decrease in stress when you exercise regularly. Your physical health is important or you will lose your motivation.


With all the attention on politics it's easy to forget about the daily wellness routine we need in order to be healthy and enjoy the privileges of modern life.