
Be more social with your coworkers by sending funny memes and emails. You can also follow them on social media and ask them to do the same.


Hesitation can cost you dearly, so it's important not to be indecisive. You need to be firm and decisive to earn the respect of others.


Just when you think you're done fighting battles, new ones may appear out of the blue. Don't get stressed or overwhelmed, although it can be difficult to keep these feelings in check.


You have reached a good place in your career, so it might be easy for you to feel satisfied where you are at the moment. However, do not become complacent.


The truth is that the information you are receiving today may not be the whole truth. To get the whole story, you will need to be persistent and assertive. Do not settle for surface-level conversation.


Unexpected opposition is coming at you quickly. The climactic stage in your career has already weakened your defenses, and you don't need any more aggression from other people.


Someone is asking for information or a favor that needs to be responded to quickly. Do not hesitate. This is the right time to contact that person or send them an email.


You have come a long way and have much wisdom to pass on. You are excellent in many aspects as a teacher. However, it is important to remember that you still have much to learn.


Make sure that you have a job that is meaningful to your heart and that you believe in the work you do.


You'll be tested. Your world is being shaken up by the skeptics around you. How well you do your research will determine the results.


Today's lesson is to be more open with others. You often judge other people and turn away from them or become inwardly focused based on what you think of them.


While you may think that someone has an unrealistic idea, closer inspection reveals that it can actually be beneficial for you and your current trajectory.