
Your body is responsible for providing the nourishment you need, including nutrition, exercise, and affection. Give yourself plenty of positive reinforcement.


With your current astral configuration, you are more attuned to your own feelings than to those of others. The most important thing is to be aware of your inner feelings.


Keeping your body in shape can be something you can be proud of. You are the result of the effort you have put in to staying fit, healthy, and safe. This noble cause is now yours.


It is important to give yourself credit if you truly want to improve your health. Breaking old patterns can be hard, but real change takes time and effort.


It's an excellent time to celebrate your body! Prepare food with fresh fruits and whole grains, and treat yourself like a precious ornament.


Today's energies are useful. This energy can be used to achieve what you want and enjoy it. You can use it to get physical, emotional, or sexual satisfaction.


It's a shame when someone so talented gets stuck behind a desk. If you sense your creativity kicking in and want to let it out, open the door.


Today's planet positions will provide a lot of energy and emotion. To help dissipate the intensity of your intense emotions, try to get some exercise each day, preferably early in the morning.


Today is a great time to make changes to your diet, thanks to the planetary energy. It's not just about losing weight, but also understanding when and what to eat.


You may feel an exuberance or rush under this aspect. The best way to do that is through physical activity! This is the perfect time to add to your exercise routine if you are used to it.


Today's energy will help to relieve your overactive mind. This is a great opportunity for you to participate in a fun, physical activity that you enjoy, such as ice skating or fencing.


It's a smart move to find something that you enjoy more than your normal routine, such as playing tennis instead of going for a run.