
Your best and most useful ideas will earn you the most points. Grounding and stability will be appreciated by people more than speculation or fantasy. This is a way to earn favor from others.


People are looking for solid evidence to back up the promises they made yesterday. This is your time to be transparent and put your trust in others.


Although it may have been difficult for you to stay in the loop these past few days, this is not a reason to lose faith in yourself and your ability to compete with others.


Don't assume that all is well when in fact it isn't. If you find mistakes in your plan, be sure to point them out. You will regret it later. Make sure to pay attention at all levels of the game.


Your ability to understand the heart of the problem will determine the outcome of your day. To solve the problem, it is necessary to cut larger pieces into smaller segments.


Work with your team to identify the flaws in your plan. You can play the role of devil's advocate. You are often so focused on the bright side, that you miss the darker side. Be realistic.


Your productivity today will be very high. Anything that demands intense concentration and careful attention to detail should be tackled. Now is the right time for proofreading other's works.


Your unpredictable, chaotic nature won't be valued by anyone. Before you start, let everyone know your plans. You could endanger the efficiency of your entire team.


You feel more sensitive than usual and everyone around you seems to be being critical. It is not a healthy combination, no matter what your perspective.


The excitement of yesterday fades as you see that your plan is not perfect. You don't have to give up. You can make adjustments, but you shouldn't abandon the cause.


Finally people agree with what you've been saying for so long. Today, your conservative and methodical approach pays great dividends. You will be great if your core beliefs are true.


Your natural tendency is to ignore the details and leave it up to someone else. This is a dangerous mistake. This is a very important task that you should not leave to anyone else.