
Today is your chance to get rid of an illusion that has been bothering you for some time. You may be spending more time with a certain partner, or paradoxically, they may be demanding more.


You may have become completely absorbed in relationships that have taken you to places you wouldn't normally go. 


You may have experienced some confusion in the beginning, it will gradually disappear, and your original feelings of intimacy and depth will grow stronger.


You may feel like you have suddenly seen the light and have gained clarity in a situation that you have struggled to understand for some time.


You'll feel relieved when someone comes clean about their feelings. Despite trying to attribute their strange behavior to various workplace factors, the fact remains that they were hiding their true emotions.


If you've been feeling confused about your relationship with someone lately, things may change soon. You'll feel more confident and able to see the bigger picture.


You might find that some of your reservations start to disappear. If you are in a relationship where you are deeply connected to your partner, you may feel some misgivings due to issues with communication.


If you notice that your partner is repeatedly changing their mind, it could be a sign that it's time for a change.


Today, you may feel like the fog is lifting in front of your face. You may have been feeling insecure about a long-standing relationship, but it's possible that these fears were not rational.


You will begin to realize that the illusion is slowly losing its appeal and that you may need to restructure everything you have built.


Your attitudes towards your current relationship are about to change. Your more devious and subtle tactics are not working anymore.


You don't usually look at the negative side of anything but are more inclined to see the positive. You may discover that the relationship in which you put all of your eggs is not a match for what you had hoped.