
Intuition alone will not suffice. People will require hard data to believe what you say. The trend is expected to continue for two more weeks, so make sure you have a complete set of facts at your disposal.


Short-distance travel should be strongly linked to your work over the next few weeks. You might be sent to do special research or to complete a project.


At first, you'll enjoy all the information coming at you over the next 2 weeks. But eventually, it will become overwhelming and you might feel overwhelmed by it.


The communication with your coworkers will be particularly strong over the next two weeks, which can help you make significant progress.


If there's a tiny idea or problem in your head that you can't shake, don't let it drive you insane. Keep it in perspective, as this pattern may continue for at least the next two weeks.


Engaging in mental battles of any kind is expected to be a common theme over the coming weeks. Others may not agree with your views and will tell you, as well as everyone else in the world.


Feeling uncertain about a situation can make you feel insecure or helpless, but don't be hard on yourself.


Your work will be more efficient in the coming weeks. However, it is important not to get too comfortable and fall into a lazy routine that produces the same results.


You may not see eye-to-eye with anyone in your workplace. Unfortunately, this trend will persist for the next several weeks.


Your thinking will speed up. It will take only a few seconds to do what once took hours. You will find that your mental agility is a benefit for many weeks, and it is possible to accomplish great things.


Information is coming at you so fast that you will have a hard time keeping up. However, you don't have to deal with all this information right away.


Your mind is more curious than ever. It is constantly searching for facts, information, and details about every subject. This trend will continue for the next two weeks.