
Circumstances outside of your control could hinder your desire to be with your partner today, Aries. You may have to work or take care of family obligations.


Family members who are important to you can make your home a more welcoming and comfortable place, Taurus.


A phone call from a friend or lover, Geminis, could be long and necessary. You need to resolve some immediate concerns.


Today, dear Cancer, you may discover an untapped talent. It could be exciting, but it will likely take some time to get used to.


You need to look especially beautiful, Leo. People notice you when you have an almost ethereal and mystical aura. Your friends will notice this too.


Today Virgo, you should feel a sense of contentment and satisfaction with your life. Your business and financial affairs are going well. However, your home life seems secure and steady.


Libra, it may be time to reevaluate your financial goals. You might be too optimistic about some things, seeing them as unrealistic.


Are you attracted to someone you work with, Scorpio? This is not the time to act on it.


Inspiration for writing, drawing, painting, and other creative activities may be just a few steps away, Sagittarius.


You might meet an old friend today and see them in a new light. It could be overwhelming to feel a romantic and sensual attraction that you didn't know was possible.


A clash of wills could lead to a breakdown in a current or future romantic relationship. If either of you is being stubborn, it could result in a power struggle.


Pisces, today presents a chance for you to boost your income by being creative or innovative, perhaps through technologies like computer graphics or film.