
Allowing yourself to be who you are and not conforming to others may cause problems. You must let go of the notions of what is 'right'. Fear of losing a loved one is what keeps us from making changes.


Your relationship with yourself is the most important one in your entire life, and you must take it seriously. This is more evident than in the way you eat.


You should maintain healthy habits that can withstand the unexpected. Take note of how your diet and exercise affect your health this week.


Your well-being should be your #1 priority right now. It's a good idea to track how much water you consume each day. Aim to consume at least eight glasses of water per day.


Today's planetary configuration could help you break out of a rut. If you are open to the possibilities, creative solutions can be found.


You will notice little resistance to things today. It's not that you can't handle intensity, but you should drink lots of water to help balance the emotional growth of the day.


You're a busy person. Your mind has been running at a thousand miles per minute for the past few weeks. Today's energy will provide some relief to your overactive mind.


You can never have too much laughter in your daily life. Laughter stimulates your energy and clears away any pressure stored in your lower chakras.


You have a tendency to seek meaning in everything, but this may not always be beneficial. Sometimes, to maintain your interest in someone or something, you need to find a deeper purpose or point.


Do you sometimes come across as too serious? This could be a common perception if you hear it too often. You may take criticism to heart, but in reality, you are just trying to understand others and yourself better.


You will need to have lots of good friends and enough quiet time for your inner self. While your goals are primarily people-oriented, private time will help you understand your own goals and make them a reality.


Do your hands or feet ever feel cold? It could be an indication of poor circulation. You can improve circulation by engaging in activities like running, swimming, and fast walking.