
Other people's fantasies may get in the way. It can be difficult to communicate effectively with some people.


Whether it's obvious or not, your behavior has been influenced by what you see on TV and in magazines. You are now realizing that this isn't the best role model.


Recall a saying or lesson that someone close to you shared with you. Even if their words didn't make sense at the time, you now appreciate these bits of wisdom.


You are riding high today and it is your right. Your position in the workplace gives you a huge advantage. Do not let others think they are in control.


Someone wants you to join them on their train. Be cautious. You should not take what is best for someone else's good fortune as a guideline.


Embrace your innocent nature. Be like a kid again. Be playful with others and don't take things too seriously. Keep your vengeful and judgmental side in check.


If there is a task that you are passionate about, now is the right time to tackle it.


You may feel pressure from outside sources to conform to certain ways of thinking and working methods. This external pressure could be causing you to lose confidence.


Don't get distracted by all the conflicting information around you. It may be difficult to make sense of it all, but it is possible.


There's a high-spirited feeling about the day that you should be participating in. If you judge others quickly, it's easy to turn your back on them and the group consensus.


The workplace conflict of today doesn't have anything to do with you - don't treat every battle like it's yours. You don't have to win this war.


A surge of positivity is yours, and it can have a positive impact on work. Your power and strength are greater than ever.