
Let your artistic nature loose today, Aries. You can add a little creativity to any situation or person. Your fantasy world should be a part of every area of your life.


Taurus, don't risk your assets. Choose the most secure route. You can find a lot of energy encouraging you to take action, but don't be too rigid.


Gemini, let's get it out there today. Call someone if they insult you. You will lose your self-esteem if you allow things to fester. This could also put you at risk of losing respect from others.


Stick with the proven and trusted today, Cancer. Do not be afraid to change plans at any time. When they are doing something right, compliment them and express appreciation for their positive traits.


Reap the benefits of a new day, Leo. Each day offers new possibilities and the possibility for fast advancement. Take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to you.


You might need to adapt today to be able to connect well with people and situations. You may feel out of place and more likely to be judged than others.


Be you today, Libra. We need more diversity in the world. Be proud of your individuality and share them with others. You are free to try new ways of doing anything.


Today, Scorpio is an expansive day that can help you make significant progress in your endeavours. You should be wary of others' deception. Surreal clouds may cover up the truth.


Sagittarius, tune into your dreams. Are you jealous of the lives you see around you? You are the only one who can get you out of your rut. It is much easier to make changes than you think.


There are subtle, slow-moving energies that can be felt but not easily detected, Capricorn. These energies can help you realize your wildest desires.


Aquarius, there may be some conflict in your current life. You are being pulled in different directions by various people and circumstances. You are being tested for your sanity.


Today, Pisces, you need to focus on the bigger, more slow-moving trends that are happening in your life. You should consider making long-term emotional and monetary investments.