
Today, Aries, it is important to make your own decisions. Although you may prefer to rely on others, it is better for your own judgment.


You are a dreamer, Taurus. You are loved for your dreaminess. However, today's planetary aspect calls you to practicality.


Gemini, Much has occurred in recent times. Did you allow enough time for it to all be processed? You may be facing major changes at work or home.


You have made significant progress in the past weeks, particularly with your temper, Cancer. Although it took some time, you are now able to overcome your natural tendency to talk before thinking.


This will be a very intense day for Leo. Friends and family may be testy so it's best to avoid them. It's not something you have done. It is the planetary energy.


These are not the best times. Important issues keep you awake at night and force you to deal with them. Although you would prefer not to, they are essential and must be addressed.


The planetary arrangements of today will make it possible for you to realize your goals, regardless of whether or not you are willing to do so.


You may feel dissatisfied about your life lately. You might feel dissatisfied with your life and wish that you could have more material possessions.


You are a sharp analytical thinker who has been a great asset to your business. Unfortunately, Sagittarius this trait doesn't always work well for you in your personal life.


This marks the start of a new phase in your relationship, Capricorn. You may be in a relationship rut with your significant other lately. But that is about to change.


Aquarius, you are a fiery individual. It can be difficult to share your enthusiasm with others. It's a great time to relax. Your enthusiasm will only serve to make things worse than it already is. Don't pout.


This will be an intense day for Pisces. You're likely to accomplish lots. You may feel exhausted at the end of the day. It is a good idea to pace yourself.