
You have the power to organize your life according to your wishes, and the planets are encouraging you to realize that the time is right for you


There is a lot to be excited about these days, but you can have a grounded energy if you want it. Increase your water intake and reduce your consumption of carbonated beverages and caffeine.


The framework in which you play and work was established during your kindergarten years. It is important to remember the value of structure.


Sometimes you may feel stuck in a rut, especially if you are waiting for the right moment to take action. However, today's astral energy makes it a great day to start moving forward again.


Elvis Presley died from heart failure. Did that grab your attention? You don't need to know a lot about fat, but it's important to spend fifteen minutes researching the subject.


If you find yourself giving into others because they depend on you, it's time to stop and focus on yourself instead of filling their needs.


Allow yourself to breathe so that your body can recognize its needs. When I say "breathing space," I am referring to aerobic exercise.


Many people believe that you are hot and cold, however, this is incorrect. Your passions are your true calling and you are a consistent person who is dedicated to them.


To maintain your energy levels, it's important to watch your intake of dairy products as they can slow down your metabolism.


You might feel underappreciated at times. Reach out to other people to help alleviate this feeling. You don't have to say "Appreciate me!" to everyone. However, you do need to get out there more.


You should consider eating fish more often than meat. Fish oil can greatly improve the health of your nails and hair, and it's less likely to cause digestive problems compared to red meat. 


You have the kind of spirit that John Lennon imagined when he created the song "Imagine." You desire to live in an ideal world where everything is harmonious and all things are within reach.