Arrange to meet with your employer or associate. You don't have to be angry with the person you are speaking out against.
You will likely be facing some hard defense while working today.
You'll make a significant breakthrough in your current work.
Write down your thoughts on paper and don't let them go to the other ear.
The current project that you're working on took a turn you didn't anticipate.
You'll feel the pull of reality telling your to be practical and more pragmatic with your ideas.
You'll make great strides today towards your career goals so don't quit before you even get started.
You might get a little slap for being less reliable or practical than your coworkers.
Positive affirmations from others about your abilities will create a powerful ripple effect.
The excitement of the last few days fades as you are forced to return to the drawing boards.
Your patience paid off, and now you're reaping the benefits of all the hard work that you put in. Do not stop!
Organize what data you already have, rather than trying to gather more. Instead of adding more to the pile at your desk, sort, label, organize, and classify.