
Your words could be fuel for a flame today that will rage beyond control.


To achieve your career goals you will need the support of others. You can draw on the strengths of others. Even today, your abilities are unlikely to suffice.


What you see as undesirable or wrong may actually be the job opportunity that your heart desires.


Explosive dialog will increase regarding work and you'll most likely be an important part of it.


You'll find yourself stuck in a sticky spot today. You may have to pick sides if coworkers get at one another.


Truth is withholding from you, and you don't like the idea of not knowing it. Situations at work could turn ugly today, so you need to be ready for battle.


You will only be successful if your expectations are met. Do more for yourself than you normally do. Do not wait around for the right career opportunity.


Your compassionate compassion will bring comfort to others who are in a difficult work situation.


Friction is normal among coworkers. Don't be surprised if a large battle arises from what appears to be little.


Don't allow others to pressure you to do something with your career. You might be convinced by someone you work with to use scare tactics. Only you can trust.


Today is not your best day at work, so you should take the day off.


A great opportunity is waiting for you. But remember that other people have their eyes on it too. Don't fear others trying to grab the same treasure you are after. Be confident.