
You might have to deal with coworkers. When it's not their job to, others will give instructions. Tensions will quickly escalate. You can avoid major conflicts by being part of the solution and not the problem.


You're riding high on cloud nine right now and have every right. Your position in the workplace is a huge advantage.


Being assertive will make you more successful today. Nobody is going to listen to you. You have to get it done if you really want it. You must express your desires to get them met.


Everything around you is exploding. It feels like everything is falling apart. It is most likely. Don't worry. Keep your chin up.


Other people need to be aware of your actions and not press buttons. Your life is a living time bomb and could blow up at any moment. Instead of ranting at others, channel this energy towards productive work.


You might be disappointed by all the success around you. You feel trapped in your rut when others are advancing with innovative ideas.


Don't let your judgment get the best of you and save an idea in a place that you won't open.


Don't reinvent the wheel. Research the subject you're interested in. It is likely that someone has gone before you. You can benefit from the vast wisdom of others. There are many resources available.


There's a fire in your heart right now. It is telling you to move and be active. Use the knowledge you've gained to make productive use of it.


The positive energy of yesterday continues to work for you, and today will bring more good luck. You have many opportunities, so take them all in.


If you do not join the fight you will lose. Although it may not sound like a good idea, you need to realize that jumping into the madness in front you is the only way you can get there.


Today's astral configuration allows for an unforgettable evening. You will want the event to be a success. You will make sure they feel comfortable sharing their ideas.