
Your work ethic today is extremely strong. It's possible to accomplish great things, so do not be afraid of adding twice the number of items to your daily checklist than you would normally.


Your strengths are in expanding and creating. You will need to save, simplify, and reduce today. This may not be your preferred mode of operating, but it is a good way to do your job.


You may feel like your career was stagnating lately. People are realizing that without you, they cannot move ahead. You are greatly appreciated by others, regardless of whether or not they openly express it.


Save your energy and don't move forward with a plan that isn't quite solidified. It is better to wait and come up with alternative plans than going blindly with the original plan. Your approach will attract others.


Today's a great day to edit or double-check. Feel free to accept any type of work. Your ability to spot an error from a distance is unmatched. You will move efficiently and clearly.


You might get caught up in work that isn't appealing to you right now. Delegate the work to others who are more capable than you. It is not worth fighting an uphill struggle. It is not worth your time.


You'll feel a huge sigh today of relief knowing that all the hard work you did lately is starting to show results. Rest assured, the hard work of the past few days is over and it's time for you to recover.


Calm down, think clearly. You may be becoming reckless in your behavior lately. You need to slow down and think about your crazy ideas.


You have to face the facts of your current work environment and get down from the clouds. You won't find it as difficult as you might think.


With the speed of life lately it's been difficult to slow down and think. This is the right time to take a step back and look at the map. Before you drive, think about where you want to go.


Others will flock to you today for your advice. People who get caught up in work life's chaos will find comfort in your trustworthy, practical, and grounded nature. It is possible to charge for your time.


Be more selective in what you tell certain people. On a day such as today, other people are more conservative than you. If you're not careful, it is easy to offend others. Be professional.