
You'll discover the only way you can resolve a situation is by confronting it directly. You may not be able to do this and would rather run than hide. However, hiding won't solve the problem.


Let your wild side out. You may feel angered by someone at work and tempted to keep these emotions inside. Don't do it. Don't let them go. Fighting back. Respect your point of view.


Someone will attempt to make you look like a puppet. You should be careful about other people using your talent and asking you to perform tasks that aren't in your job description.


A simple conversation with someone today can have profound effects on your life. One simple conversation with someone in your work routine can lead to great transformation.


You might have believed that someone was under your control - exactly where you want him/her. You will discover that today, this is far from the truth. The person fighting back is right.


Take a quick trip. This is the best day of the year to do any local work. Change your routine to embrace change. This will increase your productivity.


Communication can be a powerful tool today. You can tackle any task that involves getting information to others. You will receive success no matter how you communicate it - via e-mail or phone.


Good news is coming to you today. Pay attention to periodicals that relate to your area of expertise. A letter or article to the editor can spark an idea that will lead to great opportunities in your career.


You're in an uncomfortable place right now. It's like being a diver looking out from a high platform. Although jumping off can be frightening, deep inside you realize that you'll be okay once you do.


The days of yesterday are over. It is a new day. You can approach it with a new attitude. There is so much to be excited about and the potential for great accomplishments. You can do anything.


The day's temperature is increasing, as well as the tempers of other employees. Yesterday's good-natured person may become hostile today.


Other people want to make a move. As they watch you wait to move on, others are breathing down your neck. You may feel a lot of pressure from other people.