Complementary Elements

Parineeti Chopra is a Libra, while Raghav Chadha is a Scorpio. These two signs are different yet complementary, as Libra is an air sign, while Scorpio is a water sign.

Shared Values and Principles

Both are passionate about justice, fairness, and equality. Libras are natural mediators and peacemakers, while Scorpios have a deep sense of purpose and drive towards uncovering hidden truths.

Strong Work Ethic

Libras are famous for their loyalty and commitment to their relationships, while Scorpios have a deep sense of purpose and drive towards achieving their goals.

Emotional Connection

Finally, Parineeti and Raghav share a deep emotional connection despite their differences. Scorpios are famous for their intensity and passion, while Libras are popular for their charm and grace.