
Consider getting a water source if you don't already have one. It can make your workspace more relaxing and soothing, helping you work better.


Regardless of gender, trust your intuition. If you're a woman, listen to your intuition as it will guide you in the right direction. If you're a man, listen to the women around you, as they are right on track.


Don't make the same mistake twice. Think back to the times when you have fought similar battles in the past. Now you are wiser.


Don't waste time getting dressed up to the point that it makes you late for work. It's better to be a little messy than not get to work on time at all. Don't be too proud.


Good fortune will be with you all day. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Trust others. Trust is a part of your good fortune. It is a result of all the help you have given to others.


Take it easy. This isn't the right time to make any major or sudden decisions. The weekend may have left you feeling a bit sluggish and lazy. There's no need to rush your progress.


Be kind to your coworkers and yourself. It's easy to become overly critical of your work, which can be destructive. Take a deep breath and remember that mistakes are okay.


Your strong will can be very helpful in obtaining facts and understanding any situation. However, today, you need to be more flexible.


Your week has started off great. All directions are sending you positive energy. These synchronistic events are not accidental. They are indicators that something is intended to be.


The week has a slow start, and you may likely feel weighed down by emotional issues from last weekend. Focus on the present and not the past or fantasies of the future.


You might find yourself drawn to the food industry. If you don't currently have a job, you may be interested in investing in or becoming involved in the food industry.


It can be difficult to create a plan in a changing environment. There is a lot of information available to you right now, but it may not be in line with other sources.