Peaceful and Harmonious Relationships

So make a sindoor / roli box for your Puja altar to keep eleven Gomti Chakras to promote early marriage. It will promote early marriage and keep the married couple happy and free from arguments.

Get Rid of Loans or Debts

If you want to get rid of all your debts or loans, you should seek Lord Shiva’s blessings. For this, you need to apply turmeric to eleven Gomti Chakras and keep it beside Lord Shiva’s idol, asking for his blessings.

Career Opportunities and Growth

If you want to see your career flourish, then you should follow this simple Gomti Chakra remedy. Keeping Gomti Chakras in even numbers, such as two, four, six, and eight, will attract career opportunities for you.

Monetary Issues

Take a piece of red cloth, put eleven pieces of Gomti Chakras, and keep it where you keep the money in your home or office.

Improving concentration and focus in studies

You can keep some Gomti Chakras near the place where your child studies and also ask them to recite the Saraswati mantra 108 times a day for improved memory and IQ.