
You can understand both sides of an equation. The big picture is clear and understandable, but you can also grasp the details. These are key issues, so be sure to keep your head above the rest.


Your job is an essential part of your daily life, but you need to be cautious. You may be tempted to give too much of yourself and your heart to the job.


A great deed done for another person will bring you great rewards today. You might find that the same person will do something for you in return.


Be more aware of your surroundings. By simply being aware of the environment around you, you can discover a lot.


If you are open to possibilities and allow yourself to be influenced by them, the path will take you down the right road. Though it may seem strange at first, try not to lose your mind.


If you are in doubt, do some research. You can renew your library card by visiting your nearest library, and ask for help in finding information by searching through reference books.


Your honesty and good nature will earn you great points in the workplace today. When communicating with other people, be more courteous. Positive attitude is more important than skills or knowledge.


Your concern for other people is admirable, but it shouldn't spiral out of control. You are likely to become so involved in the dramas of others that you forget to address your own problems.


Now is the perfect time to take care of everything you've been neglecting lately. This is your chance to cross your t's and dot your i's. You have a sharper eye for detail than ever before.


Your motives and plans will be scrutinized, so make sure you have all the answers. It's important to be organized and use this energy to motivate yourself to create a list of things to do and stick with it.


Synchronistic events will be happening all day. You will have a specific person on your mind and you'll suddenly receive a call from them. The person calling you has a specific reason for calling.


People become anxious and reckless. Don't get caught up in this negativity. You will only make things worse if you continue to feed this negative energy with gossip, judgments, and criticisms.