
You may feel that you require more sleep to prepare for the changes ahead. If that's the case, you can choose to eat healthy and go to bed at a reasonable hour. There are no excuses!


If you can, try getting a deep-tissue massage. The journey of relaxation, free association, and self-discovery could help unlock what's inside.


You can have fun, but you shouldn't lose sight of your goals. If you manage to exercise three days a week, that's not an impossible feat.


You are responsible for taking care of your own health, even if you work as a professional. Parents must take care of themselves to become role models for their children.


Physical movement that makes you vulnerable can be a good way to release your emotions. You can also try doing yoga, stretching your chest cavity, and doing some breathing exercises.


You don't have to push yourself beyond what you can handle, but the extra energy you have today is yours, so make sure you use it for your own purposes, not others'.


Balancing your life can be a difficult task. It is time to reflect on how you balance your health.


Physical activity used to be something you loved – the more intense, the better. Has this desire changed? Imagine a large pot of soup, the largest you can imagine. That's what exercise is like for you.


Today's energy will ignite your spirit, and it will be easy to believe that anything is possible. It would be amazing if you could bottle all that energy.


Have you ever enjoyed using a Stairmaster for exercise? The Stairmaster's motion mimics climbing movements that many of us miss when we use elevators or escalators in our daily lives.


Today's transit invites you to show affection and love to those you care about. Although you might feel it inwardly, people often need verbal and physical appreciation.


You are a creative person who loves to think of new ideas and create your own adventures. Today's astral energy is of great help. You are a natural dreamer and tend to visualize utopian dreams.