
It's okay if you don't want to take risks, and it's not necessarily unwise. Instead of risking what you have for the chance at more, hold onto the things you already possess.


Your actions may contradict what you believe. Take a moment to pause and think about what you're doing. It could be a habitual or forced behavior, so it's important to take the time for reflection.


You feel conservative, and that is okay. Keeping a calm attitude, try to be a 'defensive driver' in your workplace today.


You're afraid to speak your mind because you already know that others will disagree with you. However, do not be afraid to speak your mind.


If you work in an office, make sure to bring a substantial lunch. Takeout is a great option for those who work from home. You will find that food can soothe and help to calm your anger.


You might not feel like yourself and people may ask what's wrong. Do not pretend everything is fine when it clearly isn't. You can be honest with people so they can support you where it's needed.


Honesty is the most important policy right now. Do not try to play politics with anyone. This will lead to unpleasant consequences later.


You can work more hours and take on extra tasks more easily than most people can handle their regular schedule.


Even though it's the end of the week, that doesn't mean you shouldn't focus on the quality and importance of your work. You must maintain a high standard of work at all times.


Your body seems to be moving in the opposite direction from your head. It's clear that you have conflicting feelings about an issue, so it seems like you're trying to take both sides.


It's important to maintain a positive mood. This will help you better deal with aggressive attitudes from other people. Don't let others' impulsive and unpredictable actions take control of you.


Remember your past! Remember who you have compared yourself to and what they have done. It will help you in the present and the future by being mindful of what has gone before.