
This is the right time to model yourself after someone you admire. Choose a role model and follow their example. Ask them questions about their goals, habits, and how they got to where they are now.


Sometimes you may want to prove your independence and strength by tackling multiple challenges at once, but now is not the time to demonstrate your strength and independence in such a manner.


The more you ask people, the more opinions and information you'll receive. This can make it harder to make a decision.


You'll be managing phone calls and e-mails as well as paperwork. Amazingly, you'll do all of it with grace and confidence. Give yourself a pat on the back.


It will be difficult to get a straight answer from anyone. There are many ways people can be evasive. It is better to not give up, but rather try again.


This month will be very intense for you. Don't let it get you down. You may naturally feel low during this period, as it is a part of life's natural cycle. It's best to deal with it as soon as possible.


Don't take everything too seriously. Try to find ways to relax and let go of stress. Being able to smile and spread positivity can make you more productive and happier.


Having a flexible mindset will open many doors previously closed to you. Be open to hearing other opinions and being flexible in your views.


Normally, your brain can be quite disorganized and indecisive, and this is more common today. However, you will find it easier to see the situation objectively and rationally.


Turn the page with someone with whom you've had poor communication in the past. This is a fresh start. You can pledge to be honest and more direct with that person.


Transitions can be difficult, but you will receive incredible support today from your coworkers. You will find others who are willing to support you, and they can help ease your pain.


You're in the limelight and everyone knows that. This is your chance to make a name for yourself. Demonstrate confidence when under pressure or being judged by others.