
You may be asked by friends to join them but feel hesitant for many reasons. You can go if you wish, but be sure to take the necessary precautions since there will be many people you might meet.


Taurus, you may be feeling too generous with your cash right now. Although you are usually cautious with money, the spirit of abundance and generosity is upon you.


After attending a few virtual meetings and talking to many people in the last week, you may now want to be alone at home. Do not be afraid to decline invitations from family and friends.


All the excess might make you feel ill. It is best to take things easy and reorganize your priorities.


Today, you may wonder if you actually have any. You might receive calls from all directions, with people asking for your advice or looking for a shoulder to cry on.


A small gathering could be a good idea for you and your loved ones tonight, Virgo. If possible, arrange to meet friends at the event.


Libra, too many calls might be on your agenda today. There may be a few urgent errands you need to complete in your local area.


Scorpio, you may have lost control over your finances and have been spending too much lately. It's okay. All of it was for a noble cause.


Today, you will not want to slow down. You will continue to receive invitations for parties, from small coffee klatches to large neighborhood bashes.


You or other household members might decide to clean the house more thoroughly, Capricorn. This would normally be a great idea. However, today, it might not be necessary.


Too many people may be requesting your attention right now, Aquarius. While some may genuinely require your help, others might have specific agendas that they should manage on their own.


Pisces, a lot of creative work might need to be completed today. If you are a professional writer, a deadline could be looming.