
Even though you're an authority figure, it's common to have a tendency to trust others. You may wonder about the motives of other authority figures, as well as your own.


The day's energy may help you realize there is another way out of the ongoing drama in your relationship.


Although communication with your loved one is not something you are usually very concerned about, the planets indicate that you may be feeling a little anxious.


The past can intrude on the present to a significant degree. You may be reunited with a former partner due to some bizarre twist of fate.


The planetary aspect could mean that today's romance may seem rather dull. You may feel bored to tears by the wonderful person you just met yesterday.


So, you made a mistake! Your long-term companion turned out to be a mixture of an ancient dictionary and an addicted hamster.


The planets' energy may make it difficult to find a romantic partner. You almost got that date, but shame on you.


If all of your dates seem uninteresting today, and you think that every possibility you have for tonight's celebration seems positively ancient, then you may be right.


The planets have sent you a message that it's possible to indulge your love for people who like to sleep in, read books, wear clothing from an earlier time, and adore long monologues while gazing at you.


Today is a good day to have a talk with your partner about any issues in your relationship. You may realize that there are areas where you and your partner are holding back.


You might feel the need for some distance. You may be a bit disgruntled with your partner's behavior. Make an effort to sit down and reflect on it today.


This day may not seem particularly romantic, but it's still very important. The current planetary configuration suggests that you might be considering increasing your commitment to someone.