
This is a day when you might be strolling along the street and suddenly hear music being played by a street musician. Your feet will suddenly start moving, and you will find yourself dancing.


Taurus, do not take what is not yours. You have the ability to uncover hidden things easily. 


Gemini, try not to focus too much on what's 'supposed to' happen next. It's not always possible for things to go according to plan. Don't expect everything you've planned to happen.


Cancer, make sure to water your plants regularly and give them enough sunlight. If you don't have any plants yet, you can visit a nursery to get some.


You can't allow other people's insecurities and shallow understanding of an issue to stop you from moving forward. Your approach to things has a clear advantage.


You might be asking yourself whose shoulder to cry on, Virgo. Your shoulder is usually the one that everybody else uses. Your shirt collar is likely soaked from all the tears you have shed.


Good news! There's likely to be a strong gust of wind this afternoon which will act as the spark to ignite these flames.


Scorpios, beware of making big promises. People may be inclined to gamble on this day because they are not realistic about the outcome.


Sagittarius, feel free to shop online. You might also want to consider buying some items for your friends and family.


You are likely to be drawn to those who put on shows and transport your imagination far away. Instead of relying on television to fulfill your needs, look for these qualities in other people.


Connect with people who lift you up and inspire your dreams today, rather than those who bring you down to earth. You have the ability to shine brighter than ever before, so there is no reason not to.


You may choose to take a solitary, thoughtful approach and carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of each aspect of the situation.