
Support your coworkers and keep your promises. If you don't stick together, you are putting yourself and your coworkers at risk.


Others will follow you. Don't hesitate to exercise your power. You are more powerful than you realize. You are the leader of your group, and people look up to you for guidance.


Friction may develop automatically due to your indecisiveness, and it can make it difficult for you to get along with others who are equally indecisive.


Your positive, outgoing personality will reap great rewards. Your greatest allies are other people, as they can offer encouragement and support.


You'll be more relaxed than normal today and may experience a slightly less intense drive. That's okay. It's okay to accept it.


You have reached a point of no return. Now is the right time to resolve to move up the ladder. You will find signs everywhere. The universe is sending subtle messages to help you find your way.


If you announce your depression, it is unlikely that others will sympathize with you. People are generally in an optimistic and spirited state, and this is their moment to shine.


A key word for you is compromise. For the last few days, you've been stubborn about a particular issue. Now, you must give in order to get.


Someone's behavior is making it difficult for you to communicate effectively with them. Although you would love to have a deeper relationship with them, he or she prefers to keep it more superficial.


You will feel indecisive and frustrated. Refrain from acting without thinking things through first. Take some time to deliberate as you will benefit from doing so.


The day starts on an intense note but will calm down as it progresses. The afternoon will bring people together and restore your faith in humanity.


A trend that has been developing over the past two weeks will come to an end during your workday.