As per Shahid Kapoor kundli, the king of all planets, Sun is placed in the zodiac sign Aquarius.
In his kundali, women, in particular, will strongly influence his life, usually one specific woman. We are talking about his better half, Mira Rajput.
People in this Nakshatra have a strong desire for independence and freedom. Along with that they may need to balance their need for individuality with a sense of responsibility towards others.
InstaAstro’s astrologers predict the placement of Mercury in Dhanishtha Nakshatra. Individuals born under the Dhanishtha nakshatra are believed to possess creativity, resourcefulness, and musical ability.
The Nakshatra in which the planet of love, Venus, lies in Dhanishta Nakshatra. People in this Nakshatra have a strong sense of rhythm. They are drawn to music, dance, or other artistic pursuits.
Where is planet Saturn placed in Shahid Kapoor’s birth chart? Let’s find out. According to the predictions, the planet Saturn lies in the Hasta nakshatra and Virgo zodiac sign in his kundali.
As per astrological predictions, the planet Jupiter lies in the zodiac sign Virgo. Talking about the Nakshatra in which Jupiter lies in Hasta Nakshatra.
Both of these shadowy planets are placed in the Pushya Nakshatra and Shravana Nakshatra, respectively. Besides this, known as a malefic planet, Rahu is placed in the zodiac sign in Shahid Kapoor’s kundali.