
You might feel the need to move today Aries but you could feel unsure if you're ready. Maybe you aren't sure if you have enough foundation to move on.


Taurus, it's true that you still have to do a lot of cleaning in some areas. It's going to be necessary to organize your paperwork, resolve technical issues, or pay old debts.


A powerful force is at your doorstep. This energy may seem to never end. You may not be aware of it, or you might just be too focused on it.


You are an independent thinker about all things, Cancer. It would be wrong for anyone to force you to think a certain way.


Love and romance will be key themes of this day for Leo. These aspects should be a positive part of your life.


Lucky you! Unexpectedly, you may get a break that allows you to take the right path you want. It could be love or career goals, or just a different way of life that you have been wanting to live.


You might have overexerted yourself in the last few days Libra. Today you may wake up feeling more sore than usual. Keep moving, but reduce your intensity.


Scorpio, there's extra wind to blow your sails. Make sure both of you are on the tiller. The direction that your rudder points is where you'll go.


You are mentally and physically well, and you may notice a change in your financial and business interests. It could involve a contract. 


You might try to understand something today with your brain, but the truth of it all comes from your heart, Capricorn. Instead of trying to figure it out, feel the answers from within. 


You might feel pressured by your friends and family to participate in the festivities. You might feel enticed to join the madness.


Your creativity should be strong today. Perhaps you decide to write. Perhaps you have an interest in a specific topic to write about.