
You're on the verge of greatness, yet only one step from it. This is a tiny step. Your goal is actually closer than you realize. Keep going.


It's not too late for you to seize the opportunity that was presented yesterday. The momentum built over the past few days is building and will allow you to make an important move.


Happiness should be a necessity, not an added benefit, in your life. If necessary, change your job to ensure happiness in your career.


Don't rush into situations you don't understand. You may be inclined to take charge in situations that require immediate action, but be cautious.


You've been granted the green light to go ahead with something you had been contemplating. You have no other time than the moment, so grab this chance and get moving!


People can be a little jumpy in the office these days, so tread carefully. Do not be too critical of someone who rubs you wrong. You may find it easy to react in this way, even if you don't realize.


You may feel frustrated about doors closing in front of you, but it is not your fault. These obstacles are messages from the universe guiding you to the right path.


Break out of your normal routine. You can get out of the routine that you fall into every day. Change your surroundings. Move your desk around. Try something new.


At first, you might be unimpressed with someone's dangerous ideas. These ideas may seem less appealing than you thought.


This is the chance for you to let go of anger, frustration, and resentment that have accumulated in regards to your career.


Today's problems will continue from yesterday in many ways and it's inevitable. You need to complete everything that was left undone yesterday so you can move forward.


Your thoughts and mind are moving at a pace of a mile per minute but you have clouded your thinking. Today, be careful about what you say to people.