
Your ability to generate new ideas is well-known. You possess a dominant energy and are attuned to new ways of doing things.


Today, you'll feel the power of the day. You won't be able to ignore the subtle effects of certain planetary aspects. The current planetary arrangement shouldn't be overlooked.


You may be a party-goer who is afraid that no one will show up to your event. To decrease your fear of rejection, try doing simple exercises.


Be mindful of your tendency to give more to others than you give to yourself. The current cosmic climate may be influencing your natural tendencies to be "your brother's keeper."


Once you form an opinion, it can be difficult to change. To find true self-confidence in your life, it's important to be independent of others and find the best path to balance.


What you did yesterday regarding exercise and food may not work today. You can change your behavior and be mindful of the health of your body.


We all want to be the best version of ourselves, but we often fear the monsters that guard our inner sanctuary. These monsters in your situation include anxiety, worry, and nervous exhaustion.


You may have increased psychic abilities under current planetary influences, allowing you to gain insight into areas of your life related to health and well-being.


Feeling accomplished is a feeling of completion. You will be able to see how you got there. 


If you feel that you're slipping, you might try incorporating more greens into your diet, like a big salad with avocado.


Give in to your gentle nature today. If you feel the urge to eroticize or have a general tendency to do so, dig deeper into your body to find the real reason.


Your sixth sense might feel on strike right now. It's possible that you need to recharge your batteries today, which is something you may not get enough of.