
Your brain may take you to intellectual areas that may not be possible for you. Your mind and curiosity are so fast today that even other distractions can't stop you from exploring them.


It will be difficult to keep things in balance today, Taurus. This is a serious matter that will be needed now more than ever.


You might want to pursue both. You may find your partner spiritually inclined, which could make it possible for you both to aspire to the same goals.


Your brave spirit, Cancer, is admirable. However, you may find this to be one of those times when you have to defend your actions.


What appears to be solid ground could actually be quicksand, Leo. Pay attention to where you step. It's possible to misunderstand people and make it hard to communicate with them.


There is tension around you, so it's best to spend as much time alone as you can, Virgo. Keep your communications clear and concise if you have to interact with others.


You may be confronted with two realities. While you are on the fence, your family and friends may choose sides.


Scorpio's emotions and actions align well, which means you are likely to follow your beliefs more closely. You will be busy and not in trouble with this wonderful combination of energies.


Sagittarius, expect a boost in your communication skills today. This will make it easier for you to express your feelings, if you have difficulty communicating them.


Surliness from a partner can send you spiraling into despair. You may wonder if your partner doesn't communicate well. It's probably not that. It's likely business.


If the idea of working makes it difficult for you to get up in the morning, Aquarius, it may be the right time for you to find another job.


Today's focus may be on romance. You will grow closer to your spouse if you are married. You could become more committed if you are single and involved.