
Without communication, our best intentions can be lost. Sometimes, you fall for the trap of believing you've communicated something when in fact you haven't.


The celestial environment today may cause you to be extremely sensitive. Be mindful of what you eat today to counteract any reactions. Don't skip meals.


If you are dependent on others' approval, it could be a vicious cycle. Too much dependency can cause frustration. It's important to maintain healthy self-esteem.


Fresh juice with lots of ginger can lift your spirits. Treat yourself this season to the best man-made invention ever made: a juicer.


You may find it difficult to be sensitive and want to escape from the chaos around you, but stay open-minded to your need for companionship.


You don't have to sacrifice your health in order to give back. If you are serious about your health, you will know that every decision you make during the day affects it.


If you are able to connect with the subtle process and growth, you'll be able to get much out of every season. You'll be able to let go of old and unhelpful behavior patterns.


Sometimes you get stuck in your rut. You can become stuck if you focus too much on waiting for the right moment. This is a wonderful day to start moving again because of the astral energy.


You've felt indecisiveness for some time. Sensitivity to the astral energy gives you the possibility that everything could turn around at any moment.


The intensity of your feelings from yesterday may get even more intense today. You may be enjoying the energy and have deep thoughts that you want to keep in mind for later reference.


Satisfying natural urges this week is exactly what the doctor ordered. You are responsible for this. Focus on the things you truly want and work on giving them to yourself.


Being too critical of your own behavior can lead to a negative inner critic and impede you from achieving the goals you have set.