
Giving up is not an option. However, you are accustomed to living with constant activity, so you may struggle to cope with a lull.


If you do regular yoga and drink lots of water for a couple of weeks, your body will be more open to reducing certain food groups such as dairy and white flour.


If you don't take the time to think about what you're feeling, you won't know how you truly feel.


Keeping up with your future creative plans can sometimes be difficult for friends, but it is also challenging for you! It is important to give as much attention as possible to the present moment.


With the current astral configuration, you might already feel that there is something in your future. Keep your health in good shape. Eat at home far more often than ordering take-out.


If you find the task of balancing multiple possibilities exhausting or pointless, it may be worth changing your perspective and using that energy for your own benefit.


Keep asking yourself questions about your health, even if it's been difficult to follow any routine lately. It is important to ask these questions in order for you to make healthy choices.


You will feel an energy surge both today and over the coming months. This will help you reach your goals. This kind of energy can be difficult to accept because you may not like change.


Today's celestial environment signals a time of emotional acknowledgement. For some, this may prove difficult as they may feel only acknowledged when their outer selves are being paid attention to.


You're a lover of using your body in new and exciting ways. Perhaps you're not making the most out of your physical abilities.


The planetary alignment of today illuminates the way that was not followed, so even someone who is steadfast can feel inspired to change and find a better path.


You'll feel invigorated today and everything will become easy for you. Be careful not to overeat or drink alcohol. You will be more satisfied if you make it a regular part of your daily routine.