
If you aren't careful, you could get caught up in a fierce crossfire. Do not get involved in the arguments emotionally. You will be trapped with no escape.


Keep your mouth shut when you speak with other people. Most people you interact with will have very conservative views. Do not scare them with crazy or wild ideas.


Daydreams you can have right now will be very useful. These dreams can lead to some amazing creative ideas. You can work out the details later.


Hesitation can cost you dearly. You should not be indecisive. You must be decisive and firm. To earn the respect of others, you must have the right answers at your fingertips.


A smile can make a difference and bring joy to others. People will generally be happy. People will be more open to flattery than critics, so try not to think negatively.


Someone will accuse or target you in an emotional way. You can choose to deny guilt or to flee the scene in order to maintain peace. None of these options offer long-term solutions.


You'll be frustrated today if you see other people receiving the praises you want. You should not get angry or jealous about this situation.


Your fortune is constantly changing. The unstable terrain you're on frustrates. You have far more power over your life than you realize. You have complete control over everything.


Something must give. Most likely, it will. It just needs one more push. Use your charms and strength of will to get results. Your journey is closer than you realize.


Let your imagination run wild. You may find a new way to help your workplace by spending some time drawing on a paper pad.


It is better to ride the waves of enthusiasm than try and fight them. If you're willing to change your perspective, there is plenty of electricity out there that can help you.


Today is the beginning of a 4-week-long period where you are asked to bring more joy and creativity to your work. Your work should be your outlet for creativity.