Number 1

Your professional life will welcome any new business ventures, or you might find new opportunities to explore yourself.

Number 2

For all the people belonging to this numerology, their numerology weekly horoscope says that there could be competition in the business world. Also, you may feel distressed because of this.

Number 3

As per weekly numerology predictions, number 3 is the problem solver of the group. But this upcoming week, you don’t have to overburden yourself with responsibilities or duties.

Number 4

You might have been through a lot and kept your pain to yourself. As per your weekly numerology predictions, you will have everything you need to heal.

Number 5

The weekly forecast by date of birth states that the number 5 will have a cautious week. Make sure you don’t mingle your minds in someone else’s business.

Number 6

As per your weekly numerology, you will have a beautiful week. There will be money proposals, which means you could get an appraisal, or your stuck money will be returned very soon.

Number 7

The weekly zodiac sign associated with numerology seven will have a working week. Now it means that you need to work on your inner self.

Number 8

Numerology 8 is going to have a tough week. You will need some excellent advice in your personal and professional lives.

Number 9

This week’s numerology predictions bring in many new beginnings for your number. There will be new partnerships in your professional sphere.