Meaning of Om

Om is one of the earliest and most well-known beeja mantras in yoga. It is also the most sacred syllable in Hindu traditions.The symbolic meaning of Om is complex.

Meaning of Om tattoo

The meaning of an Om tattoo can vary depending on who you ask. For some, it is simply a beautiful and unique design. Others may see it as a symbol of their Hindu faith.

Significance of Om tattoo

Om is one of the oldest and most well-known seed mantras in yoga. It is also the most sacred syllable in Hindu traditions. 

What do Astrologers say about Om tattoo

There are a few things that astrologers say about the om tattoo. Firstly, the tattoo is a reminder of our own spiritual journey and potential.

Is an Om tattoo Offensive ?

There are a few things that astrologers say about the om tattoo. Firstly, the tattoo is a reminder of our own spiritual journey and potential.


In conclusion, the Om tattoo is a highly significant and popular tattoo in Hinduism. It is a symbol of the highest spiritual principle in Hinduism.