1. Nagara

The Nagara style has many differences but has two specific styles. The first is the presence of a few designs or rathakas at the centre. Hence a cross-shape is seen at every angle.

2. Dravidian

Dravidian temples in South India have temples made of soapstone, sandstone or rock. The four-sided temple has at least one pyramidal peak. Moreover, it houses the picture or seal of God.

3. Badami-Chalukyas

Indian design saw a distinguished phase during the Badami Chalukyas rule. As they laid the groundwork for cavern temple engineering on the banks of the Malaprabha River.

4. Gadag

The Gadag style or Western Chalukya architecture is a specific style. It originated from the old Dravida style of architecture. It expalins the Karnata Dravida tradition.

5. Kalinga

This style has three kinds of temples thriving in Odisha and Northern Andhra Pradesh. These three styles are Pidha, Rekha and Khakhara Deula.

6. Maru-Gurjara

The temple architecture is notable in two ways. It is called Maru-Gurjara and Maha-Maru in Rajasthan. The first design is an elite Western Indian compositional style.