The Year of Your Destiny

The placement of the following planets in the native’s bhagyesh (9th house) matter the most. – Sun – The year of the first opportunity will be the 22nd year.


The Year of Your Destiny

– Moon – The year of first chance will be the 24th year. – Mars – The time of the first opportunity will be 28th year. – Mercury – The year of major opportunity will be 32nd year.


The Year of Your Destiny

– Jupiter (Guru) – The time of the first opening will be 16th year. If not, another opportunity will come in 32nd, 48th, or 64th year. – Venus – The year of principal opportunity will be 25th year. If not, the native will get the fruit of success after marriage.


The Year of Your Destiny

– Saturn – The year of first chance will be the 36th year. – Rahu – The time of the first opportunity will be 42nd year. – Ketu – The period of first chance will be the 44th year.


The astrologers will help you get benefited

If you can understand the right year for you, you will get success. In addition to the particular year of awakening in the horoscope, it is vital to please the lord of the 9th and make it auspicious.
